A useful tool to control the measure car 55050, to retrieve data and display it in a graphical manner on your PC. Storage of data is also possible.
Here is a few words about the interface from the Analyst Manual:
The interface of the PIKO Analyst allows a nearly intuitive operation and is oriented towards other well-known user interfaces.
On the toolbar you can find the „data“, „tools“, „options“, „view“, „window“ and „help“.
By clicking the folder „Data“ and the relevant subfolder you can easily save and later
reload data from your measuring runs as .csv files. You can also exit the PIKO Analyst
through this folder.
By clicking the folder „Tools“ => “ConfigTool” you can change the display on your
Measuring Car to look the way you want.
Under „Import measured data (USB)“ you can import measured data from your PIKO H0
measuring car via USB-cable. This can be useful if you collect data without a PC or laptop
connection and you want to analyse this data later.
Under „Options“ you can change the appearance of your measurement graphs. This way
you can change the colour, line width and interpolation of the different graphs.
Under „Connect measuring car“ you can manually establish a connection to your PIKO
H0 Measuring Car.
By clicking on „View“ and the subfolder ”Real time display” a smartphone display will be
simulated on your screen. Under “Measuring Car display” you can turn the display of your
measuring car on and off and switch back and forth.
By clicking on „Window“ you can change the arrangement of buttons and functions on the
user interface of the PIKO Analyst.
You may download the full manual from here: